Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Something wonderful happened.

My son and two daughters fell in love with Celtic music several years ago and have been charming the rest of us with their tin whistle, violin, and guitar -- and their singing -- ever since. No, not the lucky charms kind of charming. The "this kid could ask for the moon and I'd give it to him, he's so charming" kind.

They also fell in love with a couple of songs by Anuna/Celtic Origins. Ever heard of them?

It was my son's birthday. When we found out Anuna was coming to town, we knew we wanted to take him to see them. Then we found out they were doing a preview visit at our local Borders bookstore, so we went. And filled out our information for a drawing for four concert tickets.

And won!

We had the best seats in the house, and Anuna was spectacular. I highly recommend their music to all of you. So does my son. And my two daughters. We had such a wonderful time!


Yours -- floating on the wings of the dawn,


1 comment:

Jean said...

Congratulations! You're on a roll, Megan. First the fantastic coconut from the thrift store, now this!

Merry Christmas,