I was sitting at the computer watching an episode of my husband's tv show, Think It Thru, when a poem began drafting itself inside my head. I typed it in as it came to me, fast and fluid, like a waterfall tumbling over rocky crags with unseen force. I believe it was God trying to tell me who He really is, who His son, Messiah, is, and to urge me to show others who we, as living sacrifices left on earth to be a witness to future generations of the validity of Yeshua's messiahship, should be toward everyone we meet, Jewish or goyim, sinner and saint. For some reason, as the show was ending, I said the words, "Find me." I think maybe He did.
Here it is...
Amid the faint starlight and temporal glow of evening, lies a dim flicker, a dying ember, waiting to be fanned to glorious flame.
Nearby sits a still, quiet, thoughtful creature, a spotless lamb of unmentionable quality and astonishing vigor,
filled with laughter and joy, freedom and love, gentleness and peace.
The lost, the lonely, the longing, the grieving--they arrive as the sunrise deepens, transforming the shade of night into the brilliant color of a fresh, new day;
they come with fear and anguish written across their tear-stained faces, but they do come.
Washing over them with aromatic oil, fragrant and floral, the princely lamb lifts each chin, meets each eye, and says to every wandering heart, "Come."
I rush forward, leaping over rocks and skirting thorn-infested brambles, to meet this gentle lamb with His healing touch and knowing eyes.
I fall at His feet, wrestling with my inadequacies, wallowing in my guilt and shame, writhing in secret pain.
He does not curse and swear, He does not cringe in disgust, He does not stand in judgment.
He stoops to meet my gaze, holds me in His strong, loving arms, and rests my weary head across his sturdy shoulder.
Then He sings over me--sweet songs of forgiveness and peace, deliverance and rest, comfort and life.
I am humbled at His touch; I dirty his woolen white coat with my sin-stained skin.
Yet He doesn't walk away.
He stays.
Thank you for sharing, my friend.
Behold the Lamb of God...
Beautiful and poignant. Have you read any of Ken Gire's books? I especially love his /Windows of the Soul/.
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