Thursday, June 26, 2008

This is how obsessive I am...

As I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep last night, I kept thinking about the tense change in my post two blog entries down -- the one about the symphony. I knew about the tense shift as I was writing it, but I was in a hurry and didn't want to take the time to fix it. Plus, I thought the shift to present tense gave the story immediacy. But it began in past tense. So what was I thinking?

And the bigger question here is why do I have nothing better to do at night than ponder whether my friends are thinking poor tense thoughts about me as THEY fall asleep in their comfy, cozy beds? Now that's obsessive!

: )

Megan Elizabeth, who is soooooooooooo tense!

1 comment:

Write2ignite said...

I've done the same thing. However, I've also been sooooo unaware that I didn't even see where I'd forgotten to insert a few words and added some that didn't need to be there.

My sweet hubby pointed it out 3 days after I'd posted to the blog. :)
