Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All right... Before we get to the good stuff, I just have to say how much I despise Halloween. I don't think I would hate it so much if Americans actually took other holidays as seriously as they do Halloween. But they don't. So why do we have to celebrate spookiness? Why give it the same space in stores as Christmas which represents the Savior of the world coming to "SAVE THE WORLD!" Or Yom Kippur, the day Jewish people turn from their sins and cleanse themselves for a new beginning. That's something to acknowledge. Thanksgiving? We give thanks to Almighty God for allowing us to have fellowship with the native Americans who could have just as easily killed us but instead allowed us to live in sweet harmony with freedom to worship. That's cool. 

But ghosts and goblins?

Feel free to disagree with me -- because God gave us this great country in which we can disagree -- which is awesome!

But I still say it's a materialistic holiday. I would much rather go door to door collecting money for the men, women, and children who are being terrorized in Darfur.

Yours -- for better or for worse,

Megan Elizabeth

1 comment:

Jean said...

I'm with you on the Halloween thing, Meghan. I say, "Preach it, Sister!"

I'd also like to put a link on my blog to your blog. I rather like your maniacal ramblings. Is that OK with you?
