Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Looking for a breakthrough here, ladies and gentlemen!

It's always darkest before the dawn, right? Well, things have been looking pretty dim in the home remodeling department lately. We seem to have made an enemy or two along the way without meaning to. And bills are piling up sky high!

You know, when it gets right down to it, the only thing that bothers me about that is that I now can't send money to our friends who are serving in Lebanon and Uzbekistan. Or to our old church in Virginia Beach. I wanted to prosper financially so we could support them more. What can we do?

I don't know the answer, but I'd sure be open to suggestions. Any new markets I can tap into? Thanks, Donna, for the tip on greeting cards. Anyone else? Jody? Jean? Have I been lookin' for love in all the wrong places? What are the right places?

And even more than that, I'm increasingly worrying about how I can spend more time with my daughters who after next year will be in college and on their own. All these and other questions, I'm sure, will be answered in due time. (When is due time, anyway?)


Still clinging to the hope that saves men's souls...

Megan Elizabeth

1 comment:

Write2ignite said...

Sending hugs your way, my friend...

btw -- congrats on the poetry contest!!
