Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Where does the time go?!?

I took a month off work -- my freelance work, I mean. I told my clients I was going to work on my house which is still not completely remodeled. I'm fast running out of money and where has the time gone? My monthlong hiatus is at an end, and I have mounds of laundry, ceilings that are not painted, floors needing tile -- and the exterior of the house still isn't done either.

But if I don't start working again, we'll lose the blankety blank house and then what will it matter?!?!?

So here I sit amid the clutter, boxes, clothes, and yes, birdie doo-doo, waiting to be rescued by the flylady house cleaners and the remodelers who remodel for the sheer pleasure of it (they'd have to since we're out of cash).

And you know the worst part? I thought I would get one or two of my manuscripts completed this past month while I wasn't working on marketing or direct mail or magazine articles. I am thinking it's not going to happen in this stage of life. Between the piddling doggies and squawking bird, I'm pretty maxed out. Oh, and I have children, too. You'd think we would have figured out after twenty years of marriage and four children how to save a buck, raise a kid, and wrangle a couple of pets, but I am totally and completely without a clue at this point. I guess that's what puts spice into life! Spontaneity! Sudden anxiety! Loss of life! (We lost a rat over the Easter holiday -- poor thing died in my son's arms at which point blood came oozing out of her eyes. Not a pretty sight. And we were out of town at the time buying furniture and rugs.)

Never a dull moment, I tell ya!

Yours -- when all seems lost and time stands still (gee, I sure wish it would, so I could catch up!)

Megan Elizabeth


Write2ignite said...

You sound frazzled, my friend. Want to meet somewhere for some hot cocoa later this week?


The Winding Ascent said...

You bet!

