Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wow. So interesting...

I watched the CMS Charlotte Mecklenburg School Board meeting on our local access channel last night. I don't think too terribly many people watch this channel. It gripped me, though, because the school board was so clearly split between conservatives and liberals. I noticed the differentiation almost immediately. And it's really rather strange. They were talking about a bullying policy. Although I am an independent politically, I have to admit I usually stray to the side of less government. I mean, take a look at the local DMV if you want to see your tax dollars in action. Not the brightest bulbs in the bunch and the beaurocratic red tape is ridiculous. But I digress.

The conservatives were articulate. They had real reasons for questioning the validity of the new bullying policy. They had copies of emails from constituents. These were quickly dismissed. They requested that a definition of bullying be included so no one could get away with it based on the lack of clearly delineated guidelines as to what constitutes bullying. Their requests were denied. They warned that the "training materials" which were to be used were created by the state gay/lesbian task force and may become "indoctrination materials" if not immediately sometime in the future. Their warnings went unheeded and they were mocked for being concerned that a group with a political and sexual agenda was going to have direct access to our school children K-12. Now, I'm not anti-gay. I have a couple of dear friends who are gay. That's not the point. The point is that my children's sexuality and the formation of their values regarding sex are just that -- mine! These kiddos came out of my body. I care more for them (see last post) than anyone else in the world does. I want to be the one who talks to them about sex, be it with the opposite sex, same sex, before marriage or after. That's my job. And the school board's job is to honor my decision to keep that job for myself. Because last I checked this was still a free country. Freedom is ringing more quietly these days. I'm concerned...

I don't think any new bullying policies need to be discussed when there are still children falling through the cracks, graduating without the ability to get into a decent college from overcrowded schools filled with undereducated teachers. Why undereducated? If you put all your money into new "bullying policies" rather than teachers' salaries, you're not exactly going to get the cream of the crop. My daughter had a teacher one year who couldn't spell very well. That is not acceptable.

Okay, off soapbox now...

Enjoying the lovely weather?

Utopia -- when homeschooling is legal in every state and abortion is not, when citizens care for one another, even pregnant runaways with uncertain futures,

Megan Elizabeth

1 comment:

Write2ignite said...

I'm sooooo glad I homeschool. :)
